
      Rhett held onto one arm of the swaying woman next to her. “Stand up straight, Cassy,” she whispered. Cassy stood up tall, her five foot one height clearly shorter than the two taller escorts to either side. Cassy looked up at the tuxedoed pair and smiled a goofy grin before falling off balance. Rhett’s best friend Barb, the groom, snorted laughter as Rhett grabbed the falling bride and stopped Cassy from toppling backward onto her ass. “You could help here a little, Barb?” Rhett growled playfully at the redheaded butch. Barb leaned over and thrust out her arm for the bride, who immediately clutched it in a death grip. Rhett took a moment to run a hand through her short hair as the bride and groom tried to stand up straighter. The three of them took deep breaths of solemnity. Within ten seconds, the bride and groom both burst out giggling in the sudden quiet moment. Rhett rolled her eyes, smiling at the helpless pair.
      Filling the duties of the best woman, Rhett struggled to guide the drunken women toward their reserved seating at the comedy shop. Barb tried to show the same quality of sobriety as Rhett but had consumed too many glasses of champagne. The snorts and snickers of laughter were evidence of the failing attempt. The bride’s wandering hands were not helping. Finally, Rhett shook her head and helped them through the doorway.
      The three women entered the vast showroom of Harrah’s Casino on the Las Vegas strip. The crowd’s laughter roared as the comedian on stage held everyone’s attention. Rhett was thankful as they made their way down the aisle of the filled room toward the reserved booth upfront. The sound covered their entrance. Rhett’s helpful guidance barely controlled exaggerated drunken movements. Putting Cassy and Barb into the booth, Rhett gave a grateful sigh of relief. She looked up on stage and found a woman giving the audience a droll recounting of her family’s Christmas get-together.
      ‘The Mistletoe was fresh and hung with care by my extreeeemly smart brother-in-law. I would introduce his progeny, but his two kids, Bubba Duane and Sissy Marie are currently hiding to avoid anyone knowing their names. Alas, my brilliant brother-in-law Dave ‘The Moose’ Yes, that was his high school nickname.  Explained he had found the mistletoe himself, out on his ranch. The entire time he is talking to me, he is scratching his arms. It turned out his mistletoe was a collected sample of Poison Ivy. Seven people left his party with that little shared gift. Merry Christmas.” The crowd laughed.
      Rhett smiled as she looked over at the comedian. She was a slender woman with mid-length brown hair, leather pants, and a shiny ruby-colored silk blouse. Her black boots clicked with each step, moving across the stage. She looked comfortable and casual in her environment, an attractive, charismatic woman. Rhett caught herself looking over other assets and grinned. The woman had a nice butt all wrapped up in those tight leather pants.
            The bride beside her suddenly cackled out a laugh in a moment of quiet. All eyes were drawn to the noise, and their table was suddenly a target. Rhett was gently shushing her two companions when she heard a voice cleared nearby. Looking up, she found herself mesmerized by the twin gleam of green eyes looking back.
            “Got a little trouble there, ma’am?” The comedian grinned down at the trio. Rhett felt heat rise in her cheekbones; thank god she was tan from being outdoors.
            “Just a little wedding celebration. Nothing the bride won’t regret tomorrow!” Rhett managed to say, feeling a wave of heat surge through her when she caught those penetrating eyes drifting over her body. Rhett had to quickly grab Cassy as she tried to climb up over the table to get to her groom. The comedian laughed a wicked chuckle. “Looks like you have a handful to take care of.” Rhett grinned as she held the spitfire stable. “The bride is about to show a bit more of the intended wedding night than the audience needs to see.” The sparkling-eyed comedian met her gaze, and Rhett felt a shiver dance across her skin.